
Showing posts from July, 2021

English language challendges

I have never been very interested in learning other languages, especially in a formal way, because my memory is not very good and everything I learn seems to be forgotten. In addition, I did not have very good experiences in school with this subject, as I was doing well in the tests, but the next week I forgot everything and this caused me quite a bit of frustration. So honestly, knowing that I had to take English courses at the university did not make me so motivating. Learning English at university I think it has not been very interesting, especially because of the online context, because it makes everything stay in that formality that I talked about above, and little is learned, but of course how much can be expected from an online learning? There are days when I like the idea of ​​blogging, as it escapes the ordinary and allows me to rehearse my writing and my thoughts in this language, although it is difficult for me not to have my own computer and to have to write blogs many time

My career and some difficulties

  I quite like my career, however that doesn´t  mean that i would not make certain changes in it. Throughout my career, I have liked the subjects a lot, clearly some more than others. For example, social psychology, history, basic psychological processes and epistemology, have been my favorite lines. This is because the subject has interested me, and links topics that I strongly believe will serve my future. On the other hand, there have been subjects that have become more complicated for me, such as neurophysiology, since I don't have much of a base in biology. The academic load has not been that complicated for me, since the teachers are quite flexible and most of them want us to learn before we get bad grades. the bad thing is that as the classes are online, it causes my motivation to play against me. What is sometimes complicated is the duration of the classes, because I usually get tired quite quickly since it bores me to spend so much time in front of a screen, without any en