The country i would like to go...

Hello! in this blog, i would like to talk about a country i would like to go.
I have always been interested in history. As I grew up, this interest focused on Latin American history, that’s why my dream is to know every country of it, because of this way i will know more about it, and not just by reading, but because i would see the reality and listen to the people from there.
Panamá, specifically, is the country i would love to visit. 

Island of Coiba

Panamá is a very rich country in history of Latin America. You can see it in it’s walls, and streets. With an important popular power expressed in the social movements that exist there. But also known for it’s culture, it’s cultural festivals, it’s beaches, specifically the island of Coiba, as well as it’s historic center. 

Historic center of Panamá

If i went to Panamá I would like to walk the streets, and not just the tourist part of the country, try the tradicional food, meet people of the place and talk with them about how its to live there, visit the museums and see the beautiful ancient architecture that Panamá has. I would definitely just go as a tourist, because i am not interested in living there, for the reason that i would like to visit  more countries of the continent, and the world. 


  1. I love that one of all the things that you would do is meet people. Have conection with the people is one interesting and value form for know others cultures. I love ur blog, xoxo!!!


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