The impact of psychology

Personally, i believe that psychology is of great relevance for humans, as it has a great impact on many areas of our lives, that we don’t realize. This impact is diverse. 

This discipline has been in charge of our understanding: what we feel, why we feel it, the consequences of it, etc. It has allowed us to help others, giving it relevance and promoting mental health. What would become of us without clinical psychologist? People with mental disorders, without assistance, and without the opportunity to improve their situation.

Psychology is also interested in the social sphere, so its impact is also on human groups: what unites us, what separates us, and the interest in a better quality of life for their members, outside the group and within the group itself. Taking their research many times public policy. 

Its impact also resides in the school environment, its interest in that in schools there are psychologists concerned about the students, and workers of that institution. In orden to make that space a safe space for the community. 

Clearly, there are many more impacts of the psychology, but these are the most relevant in my perception. Psychology can be irrelevant for many people, but this is far from being real. Since it allows us to live better as a society, with better mental health. 


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