
Showing posts from May, 2021

My future job

The truth is that i still don’t know very well what i would like to work on specifically. I don’t have a preference whether work outdoors or indoors, but depending on what it is. For example, i would like to work as a teacher in a university, so work indoors, isn’t a problem in that case. However, I’m also interested in research, so being outdoors would be quite stimulating for it.  Traveling for work catches my attention a lot, if it is about learning more about the subject in which i work. However, i like stability so it would not be to my liking if i am in constant movement. I prefer to have my friends and family around me. In fact, i would love to be able to work close to where i live, so i can walk. But, if i find stability in another country, it would be fine for me, specially if it is Spain.  Obviously the issue of money is important, because how i said, stability is something very important for me, so i would not want to spend my day by day worrying about the end of the month.

One of my favorite movies

                                                                         GOOD WILL HUNTING In my free time, i really enjoy watching movies, psychological thriller being my favorite gender. This because it keeps me very quite attentive, and usually the endings blow my mind. However, one of my favorite films is not part of this genre, and that is why i will talk about it. As it is one of my favorites films without a crossover.  Good will hunting  is the name of this film. This is about a low-class young man: Will, who is played by Matt Damon, who is brilliant in different subjects without ever having gone to the university.  One day, a group of important Harvard professors discover his talent. It is here when the main character´mayor conflicts are visualized. Will an intelligent young man but who has many internals problems that do not make him very emotionally intelligent, so he cannot develop well his life and future, especially when it comes to love. He is helped by a therapist Sean,

The impact of psychology

Personally, i believe that psychology is of great relevance for humans, as it has a great impact on many areas of our lives, that we don’t realize. This impact is diverse.  This discipline has been in charge of our understanding: what we feel, why we feel it, the consequences of it, etc. It has allowed us to help others, giving it relevance and promoting mental health. What would become of us without clinical psychologist? People with mental disorders, without assistance, and without the opportunity to improve their situation. Psychology is also interested in the social sphere, so its impact is also on human groups: what unites us, what separates us, and the interest in a better quality of life for their members, outside the group and within the group itself. Taking their research many times public policy.  Its impact also resides in the school environment, its interest in that in schools there are psychologists concerned about the students, and workers of that institution. In orden to