My future job

The truth is that i still don’t know very well what i would like to work on specifically. I don’t have a preference whether work outdoors or indoors, but depending on what it is. For example, i would like to work as a teacher in a university, so work indoors, isn’t a problem in that case. However, I’m also interested in research, so being outdoors would be quite stimulating for it. 

Traveling for work catches my attention a lot, if it is about learning more about the subject in which i work. However, i like stability so it would not be to my liking if i am in constant movement. I prefer to have my friends and family around me. In fact, i would love to be able to work close to where i live, so i can walk. But, if i find stability in another country, it would be fine for me, specially if it is Spain. 

Obviously the issue of money is important, because how i said, stability is something very important for me, so i would not want to spend my day by day worrying about the end of the month. However, i do not aspire to have too much money, because this is not part of my goals, i prefer to be happy and stable.


If i want to archive all of what i previously said, i have to do a major. As i said at the beginning, i do not know yet what i want to work on, but im quite interested in social psychology, so taking a a major on current social issues in Chile or politics, would be of great interest to me, because that is what that most captures my attention about this discipline: how the social and political contingent can affect psychologically individuals and groups. 


  1. I think that it will be so interesting that you become a teacher, maybe we can teach togetcher LOL

  2. I like the variety of options and plans that you have, deciding on the future is usually somewhat complicated, especially with issues such as work and adult life.

  3. Social psychology is so interesting!!! I hope you can do what you want in the future

  4. how beautiful teaching is, it's also my dream, I hope you can achieve it<3


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