Time travel to future

the truth is that I would not like to travel to the future, I don't like the idea of ​​making a leap in my life, because maybe it would stop taking value from situations or people that I see have changed in my future and I suppose that is the task of Antonia of the present. I am also, very afraid of what I can see, and not be able to continue with my normal life with the other people who did not make the travel to the future.

This is why, if I have to take a trip to the future, I would not go to a specific moment in my life, or to see people who are now part of my life, but rather, I would like to see how things have changed. As can be seen if Chile in general has improved the social situation of the country a little. I would also like to visualize the common things to see if there are changes, be it technology, supermarkets, concerts, cinemas, the bands or artists that are playing at that time, etc. therefore, I would travel 100 years or so, to be able to see a great contrast between what I know and what is coming in the future.

I would certainly return to the present, because I am not very interested in the future, but in my present, and I go knowing and discovering the things that are to come, besides that it scares me.


  1. I agree with you, I dont like to travel to the future too, honestly I prefer living the present

  2. I agree not to skip parts of life, after all it is those little moments that spice up life.

  3. I think very similar to you, I prefer to be surprised by time hahah


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