
English language challendges

I have never been very interested in learning other languages, especially in a formal way, because my memory is not very good and everything I learn seems to be forgotten. In addition, I did not have very good experiences in school with this subject, as I was doing well in the tests, but the next week I forgot everything and this caused me quite a bit of frustration. So honestly, knowing that I had to take English courses at the university did not make me so motivating. Learning English at university I think it has not been very interesting, especially because of the online context, because it makes everything stay in that formality that I talked about above, and little is learned, but of course how much can be expected from an online learning? There are days when I like the idea of ​​blogging, as it escapes the ordinary and allows me to rehearse my writing and my thoughts in this language, although it is difficult for me not to have my own computer and to have to write blogs many time

My career and some difficulties

  I quite like my career, however that doesn´t  mean that i would not make certain changes in it. Throughout my career, I have liked the subjects a lot, clearly some more than others. For example, social psychology, history, basic psychological processes and epistemology, have been my favorite lines. This is because the subject has interested me, and links topics that I strongly believe will serve my future. On the other hand, there have been subjects that have become more complicated for me, such as neurophysiology, since I don't have much of a base in biology. The academic load has not been that complicated for me, since the teachers are quite flexible and most of them want us to learn before we get bad grades. the bad thing is that as the classes are online, it causes my motivation to play against me. What is sometimes complicated is the duration of the classes, because I usually get tired quite quickly since it bores me to spend so much time in front of a screen, without any en

Time travel to future

the truth is that I would not like to travel to the future,  I don't like the idea of ​​making a leap in my life, because maybe it would stop taking value from situations or people that I see have changed in my future and I suppose that is the task of Antonia of the present. I am also, very afraid of what I can see, and not be able to continue with my normal life with the other people who did not make the travel to the future. This is why, if I have to take a trip to the future, I would not go to a specific moment in my life, or to see people who are now part of my life, but rather, I would like to see how things have changed. As can be seen if Chile in general has improved the social situation of the country a little. I would also like to visualize the common things to see if there are changes, be it technology, supermarkets, concerts, cinemas,  the bands or artists that are playing at that time,  etc.  therefore, I would travel 100 years or so, to be able to see a great contrast

My future job

The truth is that i still don’t know very well what i would like to work on specifically. I don’t have a preference whether work outdoors or indoors, but depending on what it is. For example, i would like to work as a teacher in a university, so work indoors, isn’t a problem in that case. However, I’m also interested in research, so being outdoors would be quite stimulating for it.  Traveling for work catches my attention a lot, if it is about learning more about the subject in which i work. However, i like stability so it would not be to my liking if i am in constant movement. I prefer to have my friends and family around me. In fact, i would love to be able to work close to where i live, so i can walk. But, if i find stability in another country, it would be fine for me, specially if it is Spain.  Obviously the issue of money is important, because how i said, stability is something very important for me, so i would not want to spend my day by day worrying about the end of the month.

One of my favorite movies

                                                                         GOOD WILL HUNTING In my free time, i really enjoy watching movies, psychological thriller being my favorite gender. This because it keeps me very quite attentive, and usually the endings blow my mind. However, one of my favorite films is not part of this genre, and that is why i will talk about it. As it is one of my favorites films without a crossover.  Good will hunting  is the name of this film. This is about a low-class young man: Will, who is played by Matt Damon, who is brilliant in different subjects without ever having gone to the university.  One day, a group of important Harvard professors discover his talent. It is here when the main character´mayor conflicts are visualized. Will an intelligent young man but who has many internals problems that do not make him very emotionally intelligent, so he cannot develop well his life and future, especially when it comes to love. He is helped by a therapist Sean,

The impact of psychology

Personally, i believe that psychology is of great relevance for humans, as it has a great impact on many areas of our lives, that we don’t realize. This impact is diverse.  This discipline has been in charge of our understanding: what we feel, why we feel it, the consequences of it, etc. It has allowed us to help others, giving it relevance and promoting mental health. What would become of us without clinical psychologist? People with mental disorders, without assistance, and without the opportunity to improve their situation. Psychology is also interested in the social sphere, so its impact is also on human groups: what unites us, what separates us, and the interest in a better quality of life for their members, outside the group and within the group itself. Taking their research many times public policy.  Its impact also resides in the school environment, its interest in that in schools there are psychologists concerned about the students, and workers of that institution. In orden to

The best concert ever...

                      Hello! Today i wanna talk about my experience of the best concert i have ever been.  This concert took place in 2018 in Santiago. I have always been “those kind of people” that sell things at school so they can have money. One of the reasons that i started saving up money, was to go  concerts, so when it was announced that Lollapalooza tickets would be sold, i thought the possibility of spending some of my saved money on a ticket, so I decided to do it. That year, many of my favorite artist came such as: Mac Demarco, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Liam Gallagher and my favorite band of that time: Pearl Jam. For context, Pearl Jam is a grunge band from Seattle, USA. It is a successful band from the 90´s, although they are still spectacular. This band is composed of Eddie Vedder, the singer, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament, Matt Cameron and Kenneth Gaspar.    Like all bands,  Pearl Jam has its most listened songs, these are: “ Alive ”, “ Jeremy ” and “ Even Flow ”